Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ladies do weight training n don't let men dominate u

Dear lady friends ,
Today is a tough time for u. U need more physical strength to give a befitting reply to those who torment u.

Good news for u.
 Do u know that yr lower body is as strong as that of men. Only upper body requires wt. training.

So pls,pls don't shy away from doing wt training exercises. It will make u more powerful n confident to face the cruel world.
Plus wt training offers some special benefits only to women. ( see my previous blogs)

Remember, U and only u can save your modesty.


Monday, July 25, 2016

The three form of exercise

Dear friends,
It has been observed that our body is designed to bear three types of physical stress I.e. lift weight,  repetitive muscular moderate activities and stretching

Based on this, u must do three forms of exercise regularly :
1 wt. training( at least twice a week)
2. aerobics  : jogging,swimming,brisk walking etc(twice a week)
3.stretching(yog asanas and pranayam) . it should b done daily.

For best health n fitness u must do all the three forms of exercise regularly.

Remember yr only friend in this world is yr own body.


Monday, July 4, 2016

Boost up your immune power

Dear friends,

It is rainy season and do u know it is your immune power that is on test.       Do u know how to increase yr immune power?       1. Do Regular exercise :all forms I.e. wt. trng, aerobics,  yog.      2   listen to yr favourite music with devotion(with closed eyes).          3. Sleep well.   4 do meditation      5 keep anger at bay.  6. Sing with yr heart n soul and last but not the least 7. keep yrself happy by enjoying the musical tap of rain drops on green mother earth.            Enjoy Rain!!!!                                                            Regards